Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about water sources, quality, quantity and sustainability of our 11 aquifers or watersheds.

Which aquifer or watershed supplies my water?
Visit the Township's GIS map and click on the "Layers" tab in the top left corner. Select "Watershed" and "Parcel" from the list, locate your property and note the watershed name on the map.
How do I know the quality of my water?
For all private wells, residents must have their own waters tested, at their own expense, to determine quality and possible contamination problems. Water experts suggest annual testing. Filtering solutions and ultraviolet light scans are useful remediation tools. A fair generalization is that private wells are most likely to suffer from bacterial contamination if there is a problem.
How do I know the aquifer under our property has enough water to supply my well?
For private well customers, a well expert can run water flow tests on your well. Being aware of drought seasons or drought emergencies is important.
I would like to drill a new well or deepen an existing well. What do I need to know?
It is suggested that a professional well contractor should be up to date on the County and Township ordinances. The Township ordinances can be found in the Municipal Code, Water, Chapter 26. Wells specifically start at Ordinance 216 of May 18, 2004, Article II.