Police News & Announcements

Be Wary of Scam Emails and Texts

We've noticed a recent increase in scams sent via email or text message, especially those that pretend to come from someone you know.... more ››

Solebury Township Community – Contacting 911 for Police, Fire and EMS

Know your 911 address – physical street address. Make sure it is visible during day and night from the roadway directly in front of your... more ››

Voluntary registration for privately-owned surveillance camera systems

The Solebury Township Police Department is committed to utilizing every resource to prevent and solve crimes and to protect citizens and... more ››

Bucks County Initiates Smart911 with RapidSOS to Quickly Serve Callers

The Bucks County Commissioners and the Bucks County Emergency Communications Department have partnered with Smart911 to begin a new program... more ››