Solebury Township Community – Contacting 911 for Police, Fire and EMS

Know your 911 address – physical street address. 

Make sure it is visible during day and night from the roadway directly in front of your house or business.

When calling for police, fire, and EMS – the dispatcher will ask your location. Provide your current location (physical address, common place such as store name, a roadway or intersection). Additional 911 basics are located on this link to Bucks County Emergency Communications

STPD ContactSince we are adjacent to New Jersey cell phone 911 calls could get routed to this out of state 911 center because of the location of cell phone towers. This leads to delays in sending help because operators must figure out where a caller is and which police, fire or EMS department should respond, and then transfer the call to that jurisdiction. 

Our 24/7 10-digit police, fire, EMS dispatch number is 215-328-8511. Store this number in your cell phone to reach us via Bucks County Emergency Communications in case of an out of state cell phone transfer. 

If your residence or business has surveillance cameras or doorbell cameras and you happen to be out of town but observe suspicious activity you should also contact us via the 24/7 number 215-328-8511 to assure a faster response. 

Be prepared to answer a lot of questions. It is a 911 operator's job to collect as much information as possible so that police, firefighters, and paramedics can be prepared to react. The operators typically ask you to describe the situation, whether there are any injuries or details about a suspect.

Have you signed up for Nixle, our community alert system!?! 

Nixle is a Community Information Service dedicated to helping you stay connected to the information that matters most to you, depending on your physical location. You stay connected to Solebury Township Police Department. Nixle's service is built on the most secure, reliable, and high-speed distribution platform, ensuring that you receive trusted and immediate, geographically relevant information. Information is immediately available over your cell phone by text message, by email, and over the web. Your account can be customized so you receive the information that matters most to you. Whether it is where you live, work, or have friends or family throughout the community. Sign up using the attached link, it is easy.