Solebury Email Alerts

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Solebury Township Emails

ReadyBucks for Emergency Alertsemail alert

Solebury Township works with the county's ReadyBucks alert system as a means of getting residents emergency information in times of need. ReadyBucks is a reverse-911 service that allows government entities to send alerts to subscribers by email, phone, or text. What's unique about the system is the degree to which subscribers can customize the kinds of messages they receive as well as how they receive them.

For more information or to sign up, visit ReadyBucks to create an account. When choosing alerts on the Subscriptions page, choose 'Solebury Twp' under the Municipalities heading. 

NIXLE for Police Alerts

The Solebury Township Police Department is using a new communications service (NIXLE) that allows the Department to send important, valuable community information directly to residents who subscribe to the FREE service.